We need your support to make Fantasy Football Great again!

— We are gathering top influencers in Fantasy Football and Crypto
— You may become one of the first partners and get lot of traffic in future. In additional we give you our token so you can share our success
— We will work with your feedback - we have a Telegram group with all influencers and partners and we work with your feedback

Partner program

Cash payments
Token Bonus
— Rev Share from Net Gaming Revenue
— Percentate from Direct NFT Purchases
— Сommission from secondary market
— Sub-affiliate program available
— Gold
— Silver
— Bronze
Bonus every 3 months depending on the number of paying players:
Your partner bonus will be paid out in crypto on the 5th of each month, making it easy and predictable for you to track your. Please contact us at for more information or to start your journey as a Fanton Partner. We look forward to teaming up with you!